Community Service

community service

Community Service is the lifeline of Exchange. Exchange Clubs across the country spend countless hours and dollars improving their communities each year. In fact, many of the projects within the Program of Service have a common goal of serving and benefiting our communities. Then why a separate category called Community Service? Because while the programs listed under Child Abuse Prevention, Youth and Americanism focus on specific areas within the community, the following projects are more broad in scope and are designed to benefit every community member.

The history of Exchange’s community service projects is quite impressive. Since the first group of Exchangites convened in 1911 in Detroit, Mich., Exchange has been dedicated to serving its communities through various projects. Throughout the years, Exchange Clubs have been responsible for community improvements of all types such as: cleaning up highways; sponsoring cultural programs, air, art and industrial shows, state and county fairs, festivals, rodeos, and athletic events. These clubs have also provided millions of dollars for scholarships, gifts, equipment, sponsorships, educational endeavors, and other causes.

Our Club has many printed materials to assist clubs in their efforts to better their communities through our Programs of Service.  Please Contact Us for more information.


  • Law Enforcement Officer/Firefighter/Healthcare Professional of the Year
    Community Service

    Law Enforcement Officer/Firefighter/Healthcare Professional of the Year

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